About Us

What grew over two centuries as a family heritage of pressing locally sourced olives from the northern hilly Beino landscape took on a full modernistic vocation in 2004, giving rise to Olive Trade and it's coveted Zejd brand.

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Olive oil in aromatherapy

Imagine being able to lift your mood, reduce stress, and improve your sleep – all with a few drops of essential oil. This is the promise of aromatherapy, a natural way to boost your well-being. Now close your eyes and picture how olive oil comes into play in aromatherapy!

EVOO or Butter?

Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) and butter, are two essential staples in every kitchen, that serve as popular cooking fats, commonly used interchangeably based on convenience or taste preferences; whereas there are more considerations at play, due to their different natures and distinct characteristics.