Olive Harvesting Best Practices
Harvesting is not only a flagship moment kickstarting the olive oil making process, but it is also a fundamental activity that is defining to crop quality and yield, as well as overall production cost.
What grew over two centuries as a family heritage of pressing locally sourced olives from the northern hilly Beino landscape took on a full modernistic vocation in 2004, giving rise to Olive Trade and it's coveted Zejd brand.
Read moreHarvesting is not only a flagship moment kickstarting the olive oil making process, but it is also a fundamental activity that is defining to crop quality and yield, as well as overall production cost.
While EVOO is at peak quality and flavor profiles when freshly extracted, its nutritional values, health properties and great taste can degrade over time compromised by unfavorable environmental conditions.
Olivetrade partnered with a startup, RiginO, to implement a Proof of Concept on the end-to-end production and traceability software under development with the objective to efficiently trace any product throughout the supply chain from the shelf back to its raw material.