Zejd Premium, an iconic elixir oil in the making

Zejd Premium was the first Lebanese Early Harvest extra virgin olive oil to hit the market, more than a decade ago, standing out as a high quality, monovarietal extra virgin olive oil, full-bodied, rich in aroma and robust in flavor, and appealing to consumers looking for stronger, tastier and healthier options. It only got better with time; displaying a phenolic content that fits the EU health claim 432/2012 for polyphenol concentration, associated with enhanced nutritional interest and health protecting properties; then meeting the Silver standard of excellence for High Phenolic extra virgin olive oils from the Olympia Awards for Health and Nutrition, correlated with exceptional sensorial, nutritional, and health attributes; rising among the finest extra virgin olive oils in the world.


So why is the phenolic level so significant in olive oil characterization? Polyphenols contribute to extra virgin olive oil’s organoleptic properties through attributes such as bitterness and pungency; they also provide oxidative stability, preserving the oil. Besides, phenolic compounds have an outstanding nutritional interest recognized by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Polyphenols are also known for their potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory cardioprotective and neuroprotective properties, protecting from oxidative stress and chronic inflammation, and even preventing cancer. The health claim in the 432/2012 European Regulation refers to the protective role of phenolic compounds against the oxidation of blood lipids, one of the main mechanisms involved in the development of cardiovascular diseases. This beneficial effect occurs when 20g of olive oil with a minimum content of 250mg of phenolic compounds per kg of oil are consumed daily. For reference, Zejd Premium harvest 2023-2024 boasts a phenolic compounds concentration above 500mg per kg of oil.


Today, Zejd Premium shines as a top class extra virgin olive oil, sought-after for its exclusive quality, superior taste and flavor profile, excellent nutritional value, and proven health-promoting qualities.


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